The IAB shall consist of a minimum of 31 distinguished professionals, intellectuals, and experts, selected to ensure geographic balance, technical expertise, and prominence in Islamic economics, finance, Halal industries, and development strategy.
Duties of the IAB
- Global Insights: Facilitate debates on developments in Islamic economics, banking, Halal sectors, entrepreneurship, and policy.
- Advisory Role: Offer policy-level guidance to AFRIEF’s President on program orientation, informed by Africa’s specific needs in the Forum’s focus areas.
- Knowledge Sharing: Provide updates on technical innovations and best practices in Islamic economics and related fields to inform the Forum’s projects.
- Resource Mobilization: Identify and advise on financial opportunities for pilot projects implemented by the Forum.
- Strategic Guidance: Recommend innovative strategies and improve ongoing programs for increased effectiveness and impact.
- Engagement: Review semi-annual reports on the Forum’s activities and offer input or recommendations based on members’ areas of expertise.
Meetings of the IAB
- Annual Meetings: Convened once a year during the Africa Islamic Economic Forum.
- Ad-Hoc Meetings: Additional electronic meetings (via video or teleconference) may be organized to address strategic issues as necessary.