
The IAB shall consist of a minimum of 31 distinguished professionals, intellectuals, and experts, selected to ensure geographic balance, technical expertise, and prominence in Islamic economics, finance, Halal industries, and development strategy.

Duties of the IAB

  1. Global Insights: Facilitate debates on developments in Islamic economics, banking, Halal sectors, entrepreneurship, and policy.
  2. Advisory Role: Offer policy-level guidance to AFRIEF’s President on program orientation, informed by Africa’s specific needs in the Forum’s focus areas.
  3. Knowledge Sharing: Provide updates on technical innovations and best practices in Islamic economics and related fields to inform the Forum’s projects.
  4. Resource Mobilization: Identify and advise on financial opportunities for pilot projects implemented by the Forum.
  5. Strategic Guidance: Recommend innovative strategies and improve ongoing programs for increased effectiveness and impact.
  6. Engagement: Review semi-annual reports on the Forum’s activities and offer input or recommendations based on members’ areas of expertise.

Meetings of the IAB

  • Annual Meetings: Convened once a year during the Africa Islamic Economic Forum.
  • Ad-Hoc Meetings: Additional electronic meetings (via video or teleconference) may be organized to address strategic issues as necessary.